
Jim Wright

Jim Wright

Founder Jim Wright has a long standing commitment to on-line developer collaboration. In 2003 Jim became one of the first Community Leaders, creating the Java Distributed Data Acquisition and Control Community and winning the 2005 Duke Award for Best Community Application. He later founded's Sun RFID and Sensor Community as a product-focussed developer community. While at CollabNet he managed Sun's, BEA's dev2dev CodeSamples and CollabNet's OpenSource sites. As Manager of Developer Networks at CollabNet, he established and supported Funambol's Forge, Open Health Tool's Projects and the Collaborative Software Initiative. Jim is currently Co-Community Leader for's Robotics Community. He has a Masters degree in Linguistics from the University of California at Berkeley and 30 years experience as a developer, architect and engineering manager.

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Jeanne Mursch

Jeanne Mursch

Jeanne Mursch is Nanuma's Community Editor. Jeanne is a technical writer and editor with over 10 years experience serving the IT, design-build, and consulting engineering industries. Jeanne was the technical editor for Sun's SunTone Certification standards documents and the associated Certification Guides, working closely with the cross industry SunTone Certification Council. She later served as editor for the SunTone Program Office creating marketing and program documentation. Since then Jeanne has worked in a variety of positions in Silicon Valley enterprises doing technical writing, content preparation and program management. Clients have included KEMA, Cisco, Visa, Wells Fargo and Sun Microsystems. Jeanne has an MBA from San Francisco State University.

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